How much i use TECHNOLOGY

I use technology everyday of my life!
I use it at school, at home, on the way home from school, at my relative's house and anywhere you can say.
I have to touch something that is technology everyday. I either don't touch for long but at least touch it for one minute. What i do with technology, would be I i have to use the computer, touch a cellphone and ipod or mp3. All those that surrounds always have to have technology with them.
Like my friends, if one doesn't have a ipod or mp3 someone, out of all of us have to have atleast one or another. And almost everyday after school i have to use the computer or the internet beccause of school work or just fell like i need to get on.
In order for me to use the computer i have to use a cellphone, because i don't have internet and always go to my cousin house to use internet. So then I make a phone call to see if she home, if she is not then call my other cousin.
After doing all those stuff i come home and turn on the T.V to watch news.
While touching all those techonology stuff, I could multitask, I eat and watch T.V while on the computer typing or i watch T.V and cook at the same time.
Or even, talk on the phone, on the computer and watch a T.v show at the same time.
But I don't do this everyday, it's only once in a long time i use all those technology together at the same time.
So, bascially TECHNOLOGY is in my LIFE every day.